Special Format - Blocks

Indent Block
A colon indents a line.

: This paragraph is indented.
:: This paragraph is indented, too.
: This paragraph is indented.

This paragraph is indented.
This paragraph is indented, too.
This paragraph is indented.

Box Block

~ This paragraph is boxed.
~~ This paragraph is boxed, too.
~ This paragraph is boxed 2.

This paragraph is boxed.
This paragraph is boxed, too.
This paragraph is boxed 2.

Preformatting Block
Put the [[pre:begin]]and [[pre:end]]for the block, then it will become
preformatting block.

This is a monospaced block.
This is similar to <pre></pre>

This is a monospaced block.
This is similar to <pre></pre>

Any text formatting and keyword replacing will not be taken place in the
preformatting block.

Quatation Block
Put ">" mark at the start of each line.

> This is quated block.
> Same as email.

This is quated block.
Same as email.

You can use << and >> to create the quotation block.

This is a quotation block.
This is a quotation block. Line2.

This is a quotation block.
This is a quotation block. Line2.

You can specify the CSS style for the block

[[pre:begin ((CSS))]]

[[pre:begin ((border:solid 1px #f00;))]]
This is a monospaced block.
This is similar to <pre></pre>

This is a monospaced block.
This is similar to <pre></pre>

For the block by char such as '~', put the CSS at the first line:

~((border:solid 1px #00f;)) This paragraph is boxed.
~~((border:solid 1px #0f0;)) This paragraph is boxed, too.
~ This paragraph is boxed 2.

((border:solid 1px #00f;)) This paragraph is boxed.
((border:solid 1px #0f0;)) This paragraph is boxed, too.
This paragraph is boxed 2.

For the << >> block, put the CSS at the first line:
<<((border:solid 1px #ff0;))
This is a quotation block.
This is a quotation block. Line2.

This is a quotation block.
This is a quotation block. Line2.